
Prompt: How might CSULB and your department better prepare you for a future internship?

     Something I have noticed lacking in my business courses at school are lessons on networking and etiquette. Our classes often emphasize theory over practical application and I feel that there needs to be more application taught. Networking is a skill that is very important in business today. Teachers emphasize using this skill in class but we are never really instructed on how to accomplish this. The Business Excellence Program does teach these skills but only to a select group of students. Many of the students in the department do not even know that the program exists.

     Another way the department could prepare us would be to bring in more guest speakers from a variety of industries or even offer more opportunities for job shadowing and firm tours. Generally department clubs try to offer these activities as best they can but it would be good if the school could support these opportunities more. Overall CSULB does have a very active career focused program. I would advise that they continue to find ways of getting students more engaged with potential employers in order to gain skills in interacting with possible future employers.


  1. I completely agree about the job shadowing and even with guest speakers. I know I would like to see what it's really like to be in the industry, and hearing someone's journey to where they are now would be helpful.


  2. I agree with everything you said. The school prepares us technically but there is little emphasis on the importance of etiquette and teachers never really tell us how to network. It would be nice if departments offered short courses with the practice of networking to better prepare us.
